There are many kinds of sea vehicles. Sea vehicles need water. You can use them in oceans. You can use them in seas. You can use them in rivers. You can use them in any kind of water.

A boat is a sea vehicle. Boats can be big. Boats can be small. Some boats use paddles. Some boats use motors.

A yacht is a kind of boat. It uses a motor. It can be big or small. Yachts are pretty cool.

This boat is called a ship. Ships are very big. Ships can hold many people. Some ships have swimming pools. You take a cruise on a ship.

A cruise is a holiday on a ship. The ship goes to many places. Some cruises are short. They take a few days. Some cruises are long. They take a few months.

This is a canoe. Canoes use paddles. You use the paddles to row. You row to move the canoe.

This is a sailboat. Sailboats are smaller than ships. Sailboats have sails. You use a rudder to turn a sailboat.

Submarines are sea vehicles. They go under the water. They can go deep into the ocean. I want to ride in a submarine.

This boat is called a cargo ship. Cargo ships are very big. Cargo ships hold many boxes. These boxes are called containers.

What is inside the containers? Some have food. Some have cars. Some have houses.

Sea vehicles are really cool. They can take you anywhere on water. Where do you want to sail to?