What came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, probably the egg.

All birds start their lives in an egg. It is a long time before they become an adult. Their parents must look after them well.

A male and female produce an egg. The egg starts to grow inside the female. Then, the female lays a hard egg.

The female lays the egg in a nest. A nest is a bird's home.

Most birds make their nests in trees. Some birds make their nests in caves. Some birds make their nests on rocks.

Nests can be made of different things. Eagles make their nest high in trees. They use twigs and branches to make their nests.

A woodpecker makes its nest inside trees. They use their beaks to make holes for their nests.

The egg must be kept warm. The female stays with the egg. She sometimes leaves to hunt.

When it is ready, the egg will hatch. The chick starts to break the egg. It uses its beak. It starts to chirp. Then it comes out!

For weeks, the nestling stays in the nest. The parents bring food. Some parents bring worms and other insects.

Many birds are born without feathers. They start to grow little feathers. They are called down feathers. They keep the bird warm. They look fuzzy!

But it isn't over yet. They must learn to fly. They must learn to find food. There is lots to learn!