Do you know what space is? Space is outside of our Earth. What would you hear in space? You would hear silence. There are no sounds in space.

If you went to space, you would not be able to walk or stand. You would float! There is no gravity in space. Gravity pulls objects down and keeps us on the ground.

There are many solar systems in space. Do you know what a solar system is? A solar system is made up of planets and moons around the Sun. Planets orbit the Sun. Orbit means to go around.

Our solar system has 8 planets. Mercury is closest to the Sun. Venus is the next planet. It is very bright. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Mars is also called the Red Planet, because of its colour. Next, we have the gas giants. The gas giants in our solar system include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Look up at the night sky. What do you see? There are many beautiful stars. Stars can make constellations. You might see a group of stars that look like a big spoon. This constellation is called "The Big Dipper." What other constellations can you see?

Our Sun is a star too. Our Sun might seem big, but it is only a medium-sized star.

You might see the Moon. The Moon is very bright. Moons orbit planets. Earth has one moon. Some planets can have more than one moon.

There are still many things we don’t know about space. Do you want to learn more about space? You can use a telescope and look far up into the sky. You can visit a planetarium to learn more.