Look around. Can you find something made of wood? Where does that wood come from? That's right. It comes from a tree!

A tree is a kind of plant. There are lots of different kinds of trees. But they are all similar too.

All trees have a trunk. The trunk is the body of the tree. Some are very skinny. Some are very thick.

The tree with the thickest trunk in the world is in Mexico. It is called a Mexican Cypress tree. Its trunk has a diameter of 11.62 metres. That is longer than two cars.

On the other hand, coconut trees are tall and skinny. They grow in hot places. Coconut trees give us tasty coconuts.

Inside the tree's trunk is a liquid called sap. It is like the blood of the tree. It carries healthy nutrients.

Have you ever tried maple syrup? That is the sap of a maple tree.

Around the trunk of the tree is bark. Bark is like the tree's skin. It supports the tree and helps it stay alive.

This is a weeping willow tree. Weeping willows have soft, wispy bark. They look like they are crying. That is how they get the name weeping willow. Weeping willow trees have tiny leaves.

Some trees have beautiful flowers. Cherry trees are small and strong. They grow in cold places. On a cherry tree, you can find beautiful blossoms.

In Japan, people use the petals and leaves to make tea. They also cook with the leaves.

A lot of trees are chopped down. Trees are chopped for wood. It is used to make paper, furniture, and other things. A chopped down tree leaves a stump.

Remember, trees are not just useful for us. Lots of animals live in trees. We must leave some trees for the animals. Where will they go without trees?