Humans need plants. They help us live. Plants give us books. Plants give us food. Plants give us clothes.

Some plants are edible. That means that we can eat them. These plants can be used for food. Fruits and vegetables all come from plants.

Herbs come from plants. Herbs are used in cooking. They add flavour. They make food tasty.

Basil is a herb. It comes from Africa and Asia. It is used all over the world in cooking.

Some plants are used for medicine. Natural oil and medicines come from plants. Lavender oil is taken from the lavender plant. It can be put on the skin. It can be put into lotions. You can smell it.

It smells beautiful. It is relaxing. It helps you sleep at night.

Many people drink tea made from plants for medicine. People drink green tea because it is healthy. People drink hibiscus tea because it lowers blood pressure. People drink dandelion tea because it makes your tummy feel better.

Some plants are inedible. That means they cannot be eaten. But they are useful in other ways.

Some plants are used for building. Bamboo and wood come from plants. Many people use wood to make tables and chairs. Many people use bamboo when building houses.

But bamboo is not just used for building. It is for lots of things. This is because it is good for the planet.

It grows fast. It does not need a lot of water. It goes back into the earth when we have used it. You can buy bamboo toothbrushes and coffee cups.

Some plants are used to make cloth. Cotton comes from plants. Many people use cotton in the cloth used to make clothes. Cotton is light and cheap.

Plants are useful to humans. We must make sure that future humans can use them. How do we protect them?