Would you like to be a scientist? Scientists are people who work in science. There are many kinds of scientists.

Some scientists work with real things. Some scientists work with ideas. Scientists often form a hypothesis. That is a possible answer to a question in science. Once they have a hypothesis they can test it. Once they find answers then they have a theory. They can keep testing and adding answers or evidence to their theory. Science is made of hypotheses and theories. A career in science would be fascinating.

Look at this laboratory. What are they studying here? This scientist is a chemist. He studies chemistry. Chemistry is the study of chemicals and their reactions. Chemists are important scientists.

Look at this group. What are they studying here? These scientists are biologists. Biology is the study of living things. He's using a microscope to look at some hair cells. He takes a piece of hair and puts it on a slide. He can then study the piece of hair under the microscope. This can tell him many things about the person who the hair belongs to. Biologists are important scientists.

Look at these scientists. What are they studying here? They are physicists. Physics is the study of energy and matter. A physicist often works with ideas. They deal with hypotheses about time, energy, and space. Physics is quite interesting.

How about a career in botany? This is the study of plants. You could find ways for plants to grow stronger and bigger. A botanist also finds new ways to use plants.

You could have a career in zoology. This would be a very interesting career to have if you like animals. Zoology is the study of animals. My dad is a zoologist. He studies insects. It is fascinating.

Ecology is the study of organisms and their relationships. You could be an ecologist and work outdoors. You could be an ecologist and work in a lab. Ecologists work in many places.

Finally, you might want to study DNA. You could work in genetics. Genetics is the study of DNA. You can find out about humans, animals, and plants. DNA is what every living thing is made up of.

A career in science gives you many choices in your final occupation. If you like finding answers, a career in science might be good for you.