Would you like a career in medicine? You would be able to help people feel better. There are many kinds of jobs in the medical field. Some medical personnel work in hospitals. Some medical personnel work in companies. Some medical personnel work in schools. Some medical personnel work in laboratories. A career in medicine has many choices.

Would you like to be a doctor someday? Doctors help heal people when they are sick. Doctors help keep people healthy. There are many kinds of doctors. Some doctors work in hospitals. These kinds of doctors help patients who are sick. They might give patients medicine to make them feel better. Doctors can bandage you up if you have cut yourself.

Surgeons also work in hospitals. A surgeon is a doctor that performs surgery. They might perform surgery on patients. I had surgery on my hand when I was little. My surgeon was so kind to me. The operation took three hours. He fixed my hand and now it is fine. I have a little scar now where he operated on me.

Some medical careers are not in a hospital. This is a school nurse. A school nurse helps you when you are sick at school. School nurses might also give you an injection. Does your school have a nurse?

This is a paramedic. Paramedics often help when there is an accident. A paramedic is a person who comes to help you in an emergency. Paramedics ride in ambulances and go to people when they call for help. Paramedics usually take people to the emergency room. This is where you go if you are badly hurt, or are in an accident.

This is a vet. Vets take care of your pets when they are sick. Vets take care of all kinds of animals. Vets often work in a clinic, on a farm, or even at a zoo. My niece wants to be a vet when she grows up. She adores animals, especially lizards. She wants to work with reptiles in a zoo.

How about being a pharmacist? When you're sick a doctor might tell you to take some medicine. You will need to go to a pharmacy to get the medicine. A pharmacist will give you your medicine and tell you how to use it. A pharmacist can also talk to you about keeping healthy. A pharmacist can also give you injections.

A career in medicine gives you many choices in your final occupation. If you like healing people, a career in medicine might be good for you.