Do you like art? Do you like to make art? What materials do you like to use?

Art is wonderful to look at and fun to make. You can create art from any material. Some artists create art from old objects. Some artists create art from new objects. Some artists use paint to create amazing designs. Some artists sculpt their creations. There are a variety of ways to be creative.

This is an ordinary canvas. Add some paint and it becomes an extraordinary piece of art. This artist is a painter. He uses paint to pour his designs onto a canvas. Each pour creates a unique pattern. The paint was interesting, but now it is amazing.

These painters paint on old books. They take an old book and think of a design. They paint the design on the cover, or page of the book. When you're reading you might see some pictures covering the words. It's cool, but how do I read the story? You can make the paint thin so the words can be seen.

This artist paints tiny pictures. Look how small this piece is. It is 5 cm long, and 5 cm wide. It is tiny. The artists have to use small brushes and paint carefully. Some artists paint on even smaller canvases.

This is an ordinary stone. Add some cuts and it becomes an extraordinary sculpture. This is a stone sculpture. It began with a large stone and now it is a work of art. The sculptor sculpted their design into the stone. The stone was beautiful, but now it is unique.

Sculptors use various materials to create their sculptures. This artist uses clay to form their sculptures. They think of a design and then use clay to form it. Some artists paint the clay once it is dry.

This artist uses old metal objects. They think of a design and then use the metal pieces to form it. It is amazing what they can create. Some pieces are tiny, and some pieces are gigantic.

Other artists use simple objects to make their art. This is an ordinary push pin. Add many push pins and it becomes an extraordinary picture. If you look closely, you can't see what it is. If you look from far away, you can see the real picture.

This artist paints on rocks.

This artist uses trash to make art.

This artist makes little animals out of wool. The designs are so fun. It's amazing what artists can create.

I would like to try paint pouring. It looks messy, but fun. What would you like to try?