Is a rubber band just a rubber band? Look at these pictures. Can you see the rubber bands?

Rubber bands are soft and made of elastic. They can stretch a lot. The bigger the rubber band, the more it can stretch. Rubber bands have multiple uses. How many uses do you have for rubber bands?

The most common use for rubber bands is to hold things together. Do you have lots of pens? Gather them and wrap a rubber band around them. Do you have long cables? Gather them and use a rubber band to hold them together.

You can use a rubber band to keep apple slices together. That way, the inside of the apple will not go brown. You can do this with different kinds of fruits, except soft fruits. I think a rubber band would squish a banana too much. What do you think?

You can also use rubber bands to make a ball. All you have to do is wrap many rubber bands around a small ball. The more rubber bands you use, the bigger the ball. In Orlando, Florida, there is a giant rubber band ball. It was made using 700,000 rubber bands. This giant rubber band ball has a nickname. They call it, “Megaton.” It is ginormous.

You can make a guitar with rubber band strings. Grab an old tissue box. Wrap some rubber bands around the middle. Start playing your rubber band guitar. You can use a baking tray to make a guitar, too. It’s harder to break, and makes a cool sound. Be careful of the rubber bands snapping. That can hurt.

You can even make jewellery from rubber bands. These bracelets are made by joining together many small rubber bands. You can create so many designs. Have you made a rubber band bracelet before?

Rubber bands can be useful items, too. Putting rubber bands around a cutting board stops it from moving around. That makes it easier to cut. That is a great tip.

You can wrap rubber bands around a handle. This makes it more comfortable to grip. I wrap rubber bands around my water bottle. It makes it easier to hold. It makes it less slippery.

Put a rubber band around a jar you’re trying to open. It helps you hold the lid better so you can open the jar. Another great tip.

You can use rubber bands for art, too. Wrap a canvas in rubber bands before you paint. You can create some interesting designs.

Wrap rubber bands around a t-shirt before you dye it. The rubber bands will keep the dye away from that area. You can create some really cool tie-dye effects.

Rubber bands are quite versatile. They can be used in many different ways. What uses can you think of for rubber bands?