Science is fun. Science experiments are fun. Some give a big reaction. Some give a small reaction. Some are loud. Some are quiet. Some make a big mess. We can do some fun experiments at home. Do you know any?

Look at these forks, knives, and spoons. They’re made of silver. Sometimes, silver gets dirty. We can make them clean again.

First, put some hot water and foil into a bowl. Be careful pouring the hot water into the bowl. Next, put the silver into the bowl. Then add baking soda, and watch the reaction. What do you observe? The silver becomes clean. That’s an easy experiment to try.

This is a fun and colourful experiment. You will need some candy, a plate, and water. Place the candies on a plate. You can make a design with the candies. Pour some warm water over the candies. Watch the colours mix with the water. What colours do you see? Do any of the colours combine?

Let’s make some rainbow milk. Put some milk onto a plate. Use a dropper to add food colouring to the milk. Place small drops of colour onto the top of the milk. Use a dropper to add dish soap to the plate. What do you see? All the food colouring starts to move. It looks like the colours are dancing. It’s so fun, and easy to do.

Have you made foam at home? It’s easy to make, but messy. Pour some vinegar into a bottle. Add some baking soda. The vinegar reacts with the baking soda and makes foam. You can add food colouring to make colourful foam. You can build a mini volcano and make it erupt. Many students make foam volcanoes for science class.

This is elephant toothpaste. It is like the foam experiment, but more explosive. Elephant toothpaste is easy to make. You only need a few ingredients. You combine those ingredients, and an explosive reaction occurs. Foam comes out of the container really fast.

To make elephant toothpaste, you need to measure the ingredients carefully. You should also wear your safety goggles. You should also ask an adult to help you.

Some scientists have made giant elephant toothpaste. This scientist made a swimming pool of elephant toothpaste. It’s really cool to see.

My favourite home experiment is to mix cola and Mentos. Mentos are a kind of candy. They’re minty, and chewy, and yummy. If you add Mentos to cola it causes a reaction. The cola fizzes and sprays out of the bottle. It is so messy, but really fun to see.

What other fun experiments do you know? What other fun experiments have you done?