There are so many ways to transform an ordinary object into something special. We learned about all the creative things people can do in this unit. For this project, you will find an ordinary object and think up 30 creative ways to use it.
First, you have to choose your object. It has to be a simple object.
Here are some ideas:

After picking one object, you will start brainstorming different ideas on how to transform your object so it can be used for something else. Look below for more ideas:

Photo made from Buttons

Chicken made from eggshells

Art made from tape cassette
Notice that a lot of these ideas came from items you might've wanted to throw in the garbage. Picking a recycled item would be a good idea because it is simple and easy to make into something else.
After you pick your item, it is time for the brainstorming! You want to list out 30 creative ways to change that item so it can be used as something else.
Write everything you can about your item. If you run out of ideas, you can go online or read a book about your item to give you more ideas.
Next, you will list down the 20 different ways to use your object and writing a few sentences about how each of it works. Here is an example:

Plastic bottle vase: By cutting open empty plastic bottles, you can fill it with water and use it as a vase to put flowers in!
After you have written all of your descriptions, make a poster with pictures and the description of all of the different creative ways that you thought of! Present it to your class by telling them about top 5 favourite creative ways to use your object. You might also want to prepare a Prezi, record your own video, or even create a story or song using your poster. The choice is up to you!
Good luck and have fun!