What are pests? Pests usually cause some sort of nuisance for us in our everyday lives. They might harm our crops or destroy our homes. And sometimes we just don't want to see them, because these pests might bite or sting us. They're seen as undesirable and unpleasant. These pests can be insects, bugs, or other animals. They can even be plants!

When we think of pests, we think of them as being unsanitary, like cockroaches and rats. These pests usually invade places that are seen as unhygienic. Not only can cockroaches and rats cause serious discomfort and stress, they can also contaminate our food supplies and give us food poisoning. In more detrimental cases, these pests are able to carry infectious diseases that could harm us. Some of these diseases are fatal to humans too.

In some serious scenarios, there could be infestations. That means there are many unwanted pests. It is possible that they've built their own nests within the area or in someone's home. This could be a huge problem as many pests are very cunning. They are able to evade traps and continue to live in the space. Pests like rats and insects can reproduce very quickly. That means their numbers can multiply in a very short time.

At the first sight of pests, many of us will want to call pest control to exterminate them. Most pest control companies are able to get rid of the pests professionally. They might use gas, sprays, or traps to clear out the pests. Pest control has the expertise to stop serious infestations.

Even though we generally have a more positive view of animals, they can be considered pests or vermin too. In some countries, elephants are viewed as pests because they stomp on and destroy the farmers' crops. Many birds in urban cities are also viewed as vermin, such as pigeons. These birds can carry pathogens that transmit serious diseases. They also carry additional pests that could cause problems for humans, like lice and mites.

Plants can be pests as well; they can cause diseases in other plants. Fungi can attack other plants and live in a parasitic way. They can also spread and attack other plants in order to find a new host. Noxious weeds can be considered pests. They grow in areas with other desirable plants. The weeds will grow and weaken the plants we prefer. When these plants are weak, they are more prone to diseases and insect infestation.

Nematodes are a farmer and a gardener's nightmare. They are eelworms that attack plants. Nematodes are very small and hard to see with the naked eye, but you will for sure notice their presence. The plants that are attacked by this pest will grow at a slower rate, and they may be deformed. If you think cutting off all the plants will solve nematode infestations, then you're in for a surprise. Nematode eggs can survive in the soil for years! The roots of the growing plants can trigger them once more, and thus the infestation can start again.

Even though nematodes can cause huge headaches and crop loss, some types can be beneficial too. Some nematodes can target insects and other pests in the soil. They attack these pests and use their bodies as a host, while leaving the plants alone. This allows the plants to grow without other pests infesting them.

Even though pests are often villainized, pests can do good in some ways too. We live in close proximity to many of these pests. Maybe we just need to learn to cohabit with them and share our world.