We are too familiar with the itch that comes shortly after a mosquito bite. Mosquito saliva has anesthesia characteristics, so we don't feel them biting us. Mosquitoes can also invade our homes, which can lead to waking up in the morning covered in dozens of bites. People have come up with their own methods to relieve itching, but many of them have been debunked since they don't work.

If you don't want mosquitoes near your home, it is a good idea to avoid stagnant water. Birdbaths should be changed out at least once a week. If you like having your windows open, make sure to install a mesh or screen.

Termites can destroy your walls and floors without being detected. As the weather gets warmer, the termites responsible for exploring will search for a new home. They can infest homes really quickly.

How do you know if you have termites at home? You can look for mud tubes along the walls or in crawlspaces. The paint around the house may start to bubble. The wooden parts of the house may sound hollow as well.

Of course, prevention is key. Don't let areas of your house collect moisture. Keep the area around your house clean and free of tree stumps and soil build up.

You might have seen fleas scampering across the fur of your beloved pet. Flea dander looks like black specks; you might see them on the belly of your pet. Female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs a day on carpets. These eggs will quickly hatch, grow, and lay their own eggs. Once there is a flea infestation, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them.

For pet owners the best solution is to contact a veterinarian. There are medicines and collars that can help your furry companion. Cleaning the home and vacuuming on a regular basis can help with preventing fleas.

Our pantries might be stocked with delicious snacks and cooking ingredients. It's definitely the place to be if you're hungry, but that's what the rats think too. Rats scurry around the pantry and look for their next meal.

If you have rats, you might be able to hear their footsteps and squeaking late at night. You can also find their droppings in areas like the pantry or behind the stove. Food packages will look like they've been chewed on as well.

To prevent rats from making your home into their home, it is important to keep the place clean. Don't leave out any food and consistently seal any openings to the house. Move big bushes and other plants further away from your home, since they could easily provide shelter for rats.

Spiders can be helpful, but there are also dangerous kinds. The prevalence of black widows and brown recluses in a house can scare most people. Black widows are black with a distinctive red hourglass mark on the abdomen. They like to make webs that are closer to the ground and in darker areas.

Brown recluses will take up residence in attics, walls, or basements. Due to their tendency to hide, if you see this spider running around your house, it means you have an infestation already. Brown recluses usually do not try to attack humans, but they will bite if they're provoked

Millipedes are not dangerous as they are detrivores. They're easily trampled underfoot and they don't usually carry serious diseases. Once they are inside, they usually die since it's too dry indoors.

It seems that the best way to ward off varmints and unexpected guests is to keep the place clean. Scrub that bathroom to keep mildew from growing. Many insects and bugs like to eat mold and fungi. Check your home regularly to spot any potential infestations.