It is the year 2020, and the crops of our Earth are in peril!! People all over the world are starving as maze, wheat, rice, and orchards are being decimated by massive populations of aphids, rats, and mites. Other environmentalists speculate that this large increase in numbers of pest are due to global warming, but it is too late to cool the Earth down! If no one acts to save the crops directly, people in the world will start dying.
You are the lead scientist of a genetic engineering team commisioned by the government, and your task is to invent your very own biological pest control agent to combat these large populations of aphids, rats, and mites. Your biological pest control animal will be used by major farmers all over the world as soon as possible. However, before your creation can be exported to different countries, you have to first provide a full report of your creation so your boss can approve of it!
In your report, you will need to provide a picture and a name of your biological control animal. You will also need to provide an estimate of how much each animal costs and what environment it can exist in. Remember, your animal needs to be both accessible and good at getting rid of pests or it will do no good!
Use the example below:

Creation #0888, Biological Control Agent
Name: The Squirrel Spider Eater
Cost: $85 per animal.
Adaptations to help it get rid of pests: The Squirrel Spider Eater is our new organism developed from scratch to help combat multiple types of pests. Combining both elements of the poisonous invertebrate spider, and the agile vertebrate squirrel, the Squirrel Spider Eater can eat both invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Using its poisonous fangs, each SSE (Squirrel Spider Eater) can paralyze 300000000000 rats per day, storing them in their dens for later eating. As venom constantly drips from their fangs, they leave a trail of toxicity wherever they go, inhibiting the growth of aphids and mites. Although each SSE is expensive, their ability to survive in a wide range of temperatures and environments (from deserts to rainforests) makes them an excellent Biological Pest Control Agent.