When pests invade our gardens and homes, it's annoying, frustrating, and it could have expensive consequences. When these pests invade agricultural land and crops, it could be really devastating. These pests may cause a blight or they may eat up all the crops. The farmers can lose all their crops, and if it's a widespread infestation, there could also be food shortages.

You're probably not going to see one locust. That's because they come in swarms. In fact, it is easy to spot them as they approach since they look like a huge black cloud. Locust swarms will eat all the crops and plants they can see. They're known to eat clothes that are left outside to dry too! If locusts can get inside houses, they eat the furniture as well. Locusts can do a lot of damage in just a couple of hours.

The Colorado potato beetle, like its name suggests, likes to feed on potato crops. They'll also eat tomatoes and eggplants. The Colorado potato beetle can be a huge headache because of its resistance to pesticides. This beetle can destroy crops at a very fast pace.

The Japanese beetle is small, but it can be very destructive. They're famous for eating the leafy foliage and leaving veins. A swarm of Japanese beetles can devour all the foliage and fruits in a peach tree in just 15 minutes, leaving behind branches and fruit pits.

It's not just edible crops that can be threatened. Asian longhorned beetles attack trees and other wooden materials. They like to stay hidden in firewood at all stages of their lives. These beetles are more common in both urban and suburban shade trees in America.

These pests can be very bothersome and tormenting for farmers. If these pests are left unchecked, the farmers could lose everything that their livelihood depends on. It can be difficult to quarantine pests and stop an infestation. What can farmers do to prevent, stop, and inhibit these pests from destroying their crops?

Some people like to use insecticides to kill the insects. There are different types; some can be added to the soil or sprayed onto the plant itself. Some insecticides need to be mixed with water and then given to the plants.

The insecticide can enter the pests' bodies in a few different ways. It can enter the pests' bodies when the pests eat the plants. Dermal contact can be made when the pests walk on the plant or directly come in contact with the insecticide. The pests might also breathe in the insecticide.

Farmers have been using insecticides and pesticides for decades in order to protect their crops. But there are consequences to our bodies and the environment. Some countries have regulations toward what kind of insecticides and pesticides can be used. Some substances are banned due to the harm they could cause.

Plants can be pests as well, just like weeds. Herbicides are used to get rid of these plant pests. They can be applied in different ways, such as directly on the plants, the soil, or the water. Herbicides get rid of pests in a number of ways. For example, herbicides might prevent roots from growing or they can stop the plants from performing vital functions.

Different situations can enable pest proliferation. Some scientists believe that moisture and temperature increases are two of the key factors. This could include more rainfall than usual or warmer summers. Many insects and bugs thrive in areas that are hot and have a lot of moisture. The warm and humid weather is ideal for pest growth. Milder winters are also to blame. Cold and harsh winters can kill off a lot of the bugs and insects in the cold season.