Humans may be great at some jobs, but they aren't very good at others. Humans can't smell luggage in an airport. Humans can't herd sheep. Humans can't smell diseases. We rely on animals to help us every day.

Animals are trained by a trainer. A trainer is someone who trains animals. When they are trained, the animals are given to a handler. The handler works together with the animal. The handler and the animal must have a good relationship.

Some dogs can be trained as therapy dogs. Therapy dogs work in places like hospitals and schools. They are there to be a companion to people who need it. In order to be a therapy dog, the dog must be calm and kind. The dog must pass a test to make sure it can do the job. Therapy dogs are allowed to enter places that other dogs are not. They can go in shops and restaurants.

Another important role for a dog is the role of a sniffer dog. Sniffer dogs work in airports and other important buildings. Their job is to look for illegal objects such as weapons or drugs. The dog works with a handler and follows its nose.

Sniffer dogs are also used by the military to find bombs. They work with soldiers. They are trained to smell chemicals used in the bombs. They help keep people safe where bombs have been placed in the ground.

Horses do lots of jobs. They work for the police by controlling crowds. They work for the military by helping in wars. In the past, they worked in cities by pulling carriages. Some places still use horses to pull carriages today.

Horses have great personalities. They like humans. They like to work. They are very intelligent. And because they are so tall and strong, they can help us in lots of ways.

For hundreds of years, farmers have relied on the help of oxen. The oxen work in twos. The oxen pull a plough. A plough is a tool used to dig soil. They dig soil to break it up. This allows the farmer to plant new crops.

Some animals don't want a life of hard work like oxen. They don’t want to pull carriages like horses. They want to be famous and travel the world. Animals can also be trained to be movie stars. From bears to birds, lots of animals are needed for movies and television. I wonder if they get paid as well as the human actors? I'm sure they would accept treats as payment!