Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes. Most dogs sit on the sofa and enjoy eating treats. But some dogs still have to work for their food.

Thousands of years ago, wolves and humans started to work together. The wolves helped the humans hunt. In return, humans offered wolves food and shelter. Wolves slowly became the dogs we know and love today. Since then, our relationship has continued to grow together.

Dogs are obedient and loyal. They enjoy learning. They enjoy human contact. For these reasons, dogs are the perfect animals to work with humans.

Have you ever seen a dog in a vest walking with somebody? That person might have been blind. That dog is an example of a guide dog. A guide dog helps blind people find their way around the world.

Guide dogs are trained to be calm. They must avoid distractions. When they leave the house with their owner, they wear their vest. Their vest means that it is time to work. When they are at home, they take it off. They can relax.

Most guide dogs are golden retrievers and Labradors. They are two very relaxed and intelligent dog breeds. When they are puppies, they can be adopted. They spend their first year in a normal house to learn the sights and sounds of the world.

Another important job for a dog is in search and rescue. After a natural disaster, such as an avalanche or earthquake, dogs are sent to search for people. They use their nose to search for human scent. They must work for 4-8 hours and avoid all distractions.

In 2001, search and rescue dogs were sent to New York to find survivors of a terrorist attack. They found multiple survivors. Some dogs were there to comfort the survivors. People said that they helped them get through the very tough days.

Sheep farmers also rely on dogs. Shepherd dogs work in the fields and herd the sheep. Herding means that they keep them in a group and move them around. They work in places that motor vehicles cannot access.

The dogs learn and follow whistles from their farmer. They know when to turn left, right, and stop. They must not cause stress to the sheep. A sheep dog must be firm but calm.

Canines can help humans in lots of ways. But let's not forget about our feline friends. Cats are amazing mousers. They keep mice and other rodents away. Rodents are considered pests. That means they are not good to have. Lots of farmers have cats to keep rodents away from their farm.

So, what other animals could complete the jobs that dogs can do? I guess that's why we say dogs are man's best friend! Before giving your cat or dog a treat, why not see if it can work for its food?