Do you like stories? They are fun!

You can find a story in a book. A book has many pages. The pages have writing on them. Some pages have pictures on them.

When do you read a story? At story time! That is when someone tells you a story. It's very fun.

Every story has a plot. It is what happens in the story. Some plots are short and simple. Some plots are long and tricky.

Stories have characters. They are the people in the story. Some stories have few. Some stories have many.

Some characters are kind. They do nice things. They are the good guys.

Some are mean. They do bad things. They are the bad guys.

Do you know "Hansel and Gretel"? "Hansel and Gretel" is about two children. Their mother died. They were very sad.

Their father married another woman. She was not nice.

One day, she took the children to the forest. She left them there on their own. They were lost.

They started walking. They found a house made of candy! They were happy. But not for long. In the house lived a witch.

The witch took the children! She locked them up. She wanted to eat them. She started to boil water to cook them.

Then, Gretel crept out of the cage. She pushed the witch into the water. They escaped from the house and took the witch's money!

When they got home, the stepmother was gone. They had lots of money for food. The family was happy again!

There are many stories in the world. What story will you read next?