Some stories have characters that are real. Others have characters that are not real.

Some stories have magic characters. They can do things that normal people can't do.

Witches are magic women. They wear black hats. They wear black robes.

Witches have a wand. They use it to cast spells. They wave it in the air.

Witches can make things float. They can set things on fire. They can unlock doors.

Witches make potions. People drink them. They have magic powers.

Some potions are good. They make people feel better.

Some potions are bad. They can hurt people.

Where do witches make their potions? In a cauldron. It is a big pot. It holds lots of things.

Professor McGonagall is a witch. She is from the Harry Potter books. She is over 100 years old.

She is a kind witch. She is also a teacher.

She has lots of powers. But one is very special. She can turn into a cat.

Wizards are magic too. They are like witches. But they are men.

They can cast spells too. They can heal people. They can harm people. They can teleport.

Gandalf is a famous wizard. He is a wizard from The Lord of the Rings. He is powerful. He has been in Middle-earth for over 200 years! He helps keep the peace.

Witches and wizards are great characters. But they are not all kind. Look out for the bad ones!