Have you heard of Davy Crockett? He was born in the 1700s. He was the biggest baby in the world. When he was born, he weighed 90 kg!

That story is hard to believe. That is because it is not true. It is a tall tale.

Tall tales are told as true. But they are not. They are full of details that are hard to believe. They can be funny to hear.

There are many famous tall tales about Paul Bunyan. He was from the USA. His job was to cut wood.

Paul was 7 feet tall. He had superhuman strength. He could do things that the average human could not do.

Paul had a pet. It was not a dog or a cat. It was a huge beast! His pet was called Babe the Blue Ox.

Paul did not eat like a normal human. He ate a feast every day. He would eat 50 pancakes for breakfast!

Have you heard of Pecos Bill? He was a cowboy in the west of the USA. He had a horse called Widow-Maker.

Bill loved a woman called Slue-Foot Sue. Bill asked Sue to marry him.

Widow-Maker was jealous of Sue. He wanted Bill to himself. One day, Sue was riding Bill's horse. The horse bounced Sue off his back. He bounced her so high that she landed on the moon!

Bill was sad. He went to live with some coyotes in the wild. The tales say that coyotes howl at the moon for Bill's sadness.

Tall tales are hard to believe. But they are fun to hear. Do you know any tall tales?