Our bodies can do great things. It tells us about the world with our five senses.

We can see our friends. We can feel the wind. We can hear music. We can taste yummy food. We can smell flowers.

Our body is always changing. When we get hurt, it can get better. When we get a scratch, our body fixes it.

We only have one body. We need to take good care of it. What can we do?

We know exercising is healthy. We know it’s good for us. But why is it good for our bodies?

Our lungs help us breathe. How do we make them strong? How do we make them healthy?

Exercising makes our lungs healthy. They get stronger. They get healthier. They help us breathe better.

Our heart does a lot of work. It is a muscle. It pumps blood all the time. It works even when we are sleeping.

It pumps blood to our legs. It pumps blood to our arms. The heart pumps blood to every body part. It needs to be healthy to keep working. Exercising makes our heart healthy.

We breathe more air when we exercise. Our heart beats faster. Our heart beats harder. The heart gets better at pumping blood.

We need a healthy brain. We use our brains all the time. Exercising helps our brain think better. It helps our brain with learning.

We need to take breaks. We cannot exercise for a long time. We could get hurt. We need breaks to rest. Our muscles need to rest.

Our bodies can do so much! Be kind to your body and take care of it.