Do you remember being sick? It does not feel good to be sick. You cannot play. You cannot go to school. Your body is not happy.

If you have a cold, you might get a runny nose. It is hard to breathe with a runny nose. You can try to drink some hot tea.

If you have a cold, you might cough. Make sure you cough into your elbow. You should not cough on other people.

If you cough a lot, your throat might be sore. It is hard to talk with a sore throat. You can try drinking some warm water.

Ahchoo! Did you just sneeze? You might sneeze when you are sick. Make sure to cover your sneezes.

If you have a fever, you might have a headache. Your head will feel hot. Your head will hurt. You might feel weak. It is better to stay in bed and rest.

Sometimes when you are sick, you might get a stomachache. That means your stomach hurts. You might even vomit! Try to sit down and get some rest. It is not a good idea to move around.

We do not want to be sick. We want to stay healthy. Make sure you wash your hands often. It is important to wash our hands before we eat. We should try not to touch our eyes, nose, and mouths. Going to bed on time helps us to stay healthy too.